Sascha Ansahl

From 2010 to present, he prayed for forgiveness from God for more than 2,500 people in his seminars and individual sessions.

It freed people from suffering, provided relief, clarity, and experiences of God. Through the power of his prayer, love and devotion to God, he was often able to obtain the grace of God for his participants and clients.
For people, a self-determined, authentic life is possible again and many people found their faith in God back.

Sascha Ansahl himself grew up in a difficult environment. From the age of 19, he suffered from 20-year-old manic depression and cancer. Existential fears and panic attacks to the point of immobility dominated his way for many years.
The pain of suffering led him to the inner search and he began the study of Christian and Hindu scriptures.

Through the unleashing of the Kundalini and the lighting of the mystical fire by Armin Mattich in 2009, the true journey to the inside began. Armin accompanies Sascha today and Sascha Ansahl feels connected to Armin in deep love and friendship.

However, the greatest gift of his life is the gift of knowledge (the closeness to God) that Sascha received from Maya Storms.
His heart and soul found each other again. The inner search was over and the true, inner peace could come. The gift of another encounter with Maya enabled him to gain deep insights into his own soul.
Sasha found access to God and his soul inner peace.

Sasha is allowed to pray “in the name of Jesus” and thus to work constructively and beneficially on his fellow human beings.
His greatest desire is to serve God, to remember God’s Word in the hearts and souls of men.

Sascha Ansahl is book author of the title: Forgiveness frees – the path to joy and inner peace. (In Reichel Verlag)